Emily in Paris and why is it helpful for studying abroad
Not only because of its amazing fashion, but also because of its interesting and dreamy plot, Emily in Paris has captivated rather a large public. Who has never fantasized with the idea of going to a beautiful city like Paris to work or studying? This is what our dear Emily, the main character, confronts.
However, if we have noticed this Netflix production is not because of the outfits or the storyline, but because it teaches some important lessons. What can we clear up from the adventures of Emily? That starting abroad is never easy, but it can turn into an amazing experience for your self-development and your career.
And here is where we stop and reflect. You can have a hard time in a foreign country… you are not used to the culture, maybe neither to the language and there may be things that you don’t like. However, what Emily teaches us is that if we take advantage of all this and do our best effort to demonstrate our skills, it can be a fruitful experience on all levels.
Emily works for a marketing company; her boss questions her aptitudes and the locals don’t treat her particularly warmly. Still, she takes an innovative approach to the circumstances and proves her worth, earning the respect of many people.
What’s more, one thing we should take note of is the role of social media, often underrated, or worse, demonized. But Emily makes very good use of them in her professional life. This suggests that perhaps we should trust a little more this type of platform, as they can really help us to establish contact networks and familiarize ourselves with the environment.
Are you thinking of going abroad to study or work? Why don’t you consider watching the adventures of Emily in Paris as a plan for next weekend? Surely it will give you good ideas on how to start abroad, and help you to get a sense of how life in a foreign country is like. But don’t forget it’s fiction!