One of EUSA University Centre’s main objective is to be an active participant in the development of the European Union and its projects of cooperation, education, research, and entrepreneurial growth; both with European countries and with all international partner countries.
Our International Office coordinates and participates in several projects, created in the frame of ERASMUS+. The projects, though with different aims and outcomes, are all focused on the improvement of European Higher Education and the development of the opportunities for the youth. Thanks to the international projects, EUSA has been developing a range of strategic partnerships with internationally renowned institutes of higher education, promoting exchanges between these universities at all levels.
The International Office of the campus (comprising EUSA and Nuevas Profesiones, the VET centre) actively participates, as partners or coordinators, in the following projects:
The Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) provides the general quality framework for European and international cooperation activities a higher education institution may carry out within Erasmus+.
Estudios Universitarios y Superiores de Andalucía has been awarded by the European Commission the European Charter for Higher Education and is therefore committed to the respect of qualitative requirements for the international mobility.

Lucía Martín
Project Coordinator
Landline: +34 954 23 87 97
Mobile: +34 647 70 54 54