SCOPE - Skills for Corporate Entrepreneurship
SCOPE project logo
Erasmus + logo

ERASMUS+ KA2 – Strategic Partnership for Higher Education


Skills for Corporate Entrepreneurship


SCOPE is a competitiveness and innovative programme which aims to develop a more entrepreneurship acting into the European market. The main goal is to reduce the gap between Northern Europe, which already has improved its intrapreneurial thinking, and Southern & Eastern Europe, where the intrapreneurial thinking is neither prevalent nor encouraged.

SCOPE will foster innovativeness and competitive growth in Europe by establishing intrapreneurial structures in companies wishing to be innovative.

The project uses innovative approaches and tools in different dimensions to foster:

  Collection and exchange of good practices and its dissemination among European companies and stakeholders in the field of corporate entrepreneurship.

  A two-side corporate entrepreneurship training programme will be designed as an indicator targeting at the same time managers, employees and students of innovative companies.

  An open learning platform will be designed in all the partners’ languages to provide equal learning opportunities.

  Finally, in order to make the training even more reachable a guide book as well as promotional videos will be produced with the stated goal to disseminate the project and attract different people who are not necessarily involved in the field of corporate entrepreneurship.


Find the final project guide book here!


Project Acronym:


Project Duration:

24 months – From 01/10/2017 to 30/09/2019

Project Coordinator:




285.332,00. EUR


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